Friday, March 30, 2012

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

iPad 2 Sells for $100.03  An iPad 2 Just Sold For $100.03 That's 79% OFF the RETAIL Price! Visit  Now and Start Saving Today

  Stop! Ipads for $100 bucks with this penny auction

iPad 2 Sells for $100.03  An iPad 2 Just Sold For $100.03 That's 79% OFF the RETAIL Price! Visit  Now and Start Saving Today



Quote of the day...

Effective people are not problem-minded; they're opportunity minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems. By : Stephen Covey -- Anthony Barrett (@acbarrett_LS)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Quote of the day...

When a man feels throbbing within him the power to do what he undertakes as well as it can possibly be done, this is happiness, this is success. -Orison Swett Marden

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Power of Choice!!!

How many of us out there are completely happy with our life?...Sad thing is...Prob not very much would raise our hand to that. The question is, why do we do live in this lie of happiness and joy if we dont have to? Answer, most of us are afraid of trying new things! Hey  ive been there, felt like I had nothing better so I settled for less and hated every moment of it. Then I realized if I ever wanted something different, I would have to do something different in order to achieve a better life! So...I did...I packed up all my things and moved to Hawaii by myself. Now Im a full-time student studying culinary art's, which I never thought I would be doing because I hated school when I was younger...But most importantly I was able to tap into the success driven mindset I had within me and finally make things happen! Ive networked, built relationships and went into business for myself and now my life only gets better every day! My point is...I finally got out of my  "comfort zone" and my life suddenly did a complete 180 for the better...And you can do the same! Remember, You choose how you live your life, dont be like the masses and let your "circumstances" choose!!!

Quote of the day...

Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners. -Robert Kiyosaki

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"The Money Is In The List"

AWeber proves it to thousands of businesses every day.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Quote of the day...

Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand. -Bruce Barton

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Google, Blogging and Traffic Secrets from the Pros

If you have a blog and would like to learn a quick and easy way for getting free traffic and search engine rankings, this article shows you everything you wanted to know, step-by-step.

Before we move forward I want to talk about getting traffic and why most bloggers get it wrong.

Up to 89% of blog owners think about traffic as hits, and put people alltogether. They're looking at traffic as statistics, and forget the basics - at the end of the other line there's a breathing human being; with probably the same problems, wants and needs as you.

If these bloggers would not look at traffic as hits, and will give thought on who they really want to attract, and who are they really talking to on their blog, traffic generating won't seem hard anymore.

Yes, for most bloggers traffic generation is rocket-science.

When you master the basics, blogging for traffic will seem a total breeze. Just look around, and notice the pro bloggers out there. Do you think they're hunting for traffic? Not at all; they're probably not actively generating traffic. They make traffic work for them.

Here is an illustration to make my point across:

Imagine blogger A [the newbie] on the other side of the road... trying to attract the attention of the audience [the cars on the street and folks around] holding a BIG red sign "Visit my blog ->"

Now picture blogger B [the professional] who has an entire army of people and cars advertising on his behalf, all across the road.

89% of bloggers are trying too hard to get their traffic; they're publishing articles and writing blog posts; dabbling with SEO, Twittering, forum marketing, and so on.

A small percentage of the bloggers out there recognize the power of leveraging so they're taking advantage of other people's traffic, rankings and authority.

If you want to get on the boat of pro bloggers, then you have to act like they act and do what they do:

Step #1 - think BIG and keep your focus [know who are you really talking with; who's your ideal client?]

Step #2 - run interviews, ad swaps and blog roll exchanges with like-minded bloggers in your field and industry

Step #3 - never pay for advertising unless you have your metrics tested and proven [for e.g. you know exactly your visitor value - click and lead revenue]

If you know that for each visitor to your blog, you're making $1 a month on average, then you probably could afford to pay 50 cents per unique visitor; you'd reap half a dollar as profit, right?

For more pro blogging traffic methods, check out the "$365k Blog Traffic Formula"

**Newest** Site Set To OverThrow Facebook Here!

This is BizOppers

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You Suck At Making Money? Free Shocking Videos Reveal How a Newbie Made $62,948 Guaranteed! Click here!

Please read and consider if your a struggling affiliate or network marketer, brand new method guaranteed to generate cash *FAST*

Attention: Blogger Friends and Viewers,

Here's something that you'll probably NEVER forget.... (click below)

It's pissing off almost EVERY "wealth guru" on the planet and
today, I mean this more than ever.

... an ASTONISHING 'machine' that's guaranteed to generate FAST cash
for anyone who uses it. This is based on a brand NEW technology
which leverages "free traffic" on the internet with billions of hits.

The CRAZY part that's shocking...

You don't really need to do anything - after setting it up and just
pressing a few "submit" buttons! There's no hard learning or
trial-and-error or complex guide to follow. Yes, it's that ERROR-PROOF
and there's virtually ZERO chance for you to lose money.

As you may know, I've tried out many wealth "systems" back in my

This includes even the private mastermind clubs with top well-known
"wealth" gurus.

Guess what?

NONE of them worked despite their good intentions. Arrgh - it was
embarrassing for me.

Sorry to be blunt today but most of them SUCKED at teaching what they
knew (and the methods were prone to serious error for any follower).

My rule now... only do it if it's PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Something that WORKS no matter if you're in debt, computer
illiterate, simply can't get motivated, or feel down due to a

This will be worth every moment to see ... especially you see
yourself duplicating an automated CASH COW without fail:

(read their raw testimonials inside)

Here's what I found remarkable about this ..... he literally says that
EVEN if you ONLY get 25% of the results that the other users are getting,
your change of financial life will be STAGGERING.

Set it and FORGET it. True Error-proof Automated Wealth.

He says it's better that you get inside, activate the process,
and then just set and FORGET IT. Let the thing make money for you -
easy and FAST.

This is the way life was meant to be ... don't EVER work for money -
instead, let money work FOR YOU. That's how I define true retirement
... and it's a beautiful thing.

I dare you to check out if that is true with his system ... (let's
just say my fellow future affiliate guru, you won't be disappointed)

Oh, I have a personal analogy to share.... because I'd even get one
of these systems for a loved one.

Whenever I give people gifts now ... I always try to give them something
that will make them GROW rather than something that just pleases them.

Think about it... a shiny new toy OR a priceless system that can
grow their wealth easily, if not at a geometric rate. They can then
use this wealth to buy MANY shiny toys (cars, boats, homes, whatever!)

What makes more sense... seriously what will benefit them in the

Do the same for yourself and yours.

Thanks for hearing me out blogger viewers!

Here to help to your success,

Anthony Barrett

P.S. I urge you to immediately use this system that's
still only discovered by a lucky few:

Their "Idiot-proof" system alone make it so that no man or woman is
left behind ... where generating up to $35,867 in your FIRST 14 days
is not uncommon at all.

I know you will be delighted. I'd really hate for you to miss this
since only so many licenses can use this system by tonight.

Quote of the day...

Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture. -Lydia M. Child

**Free** List of Top Affiliate Keyword Searches

Top Affiliate Marketing Company for January 2012 is Experience Advertising Affiliate Management OPM (via redOrbit)

SUNRISE, Fla., Feb. 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Experience Advertising, Inc., a leading affiliate program management company, has been ranked the top Affiliate Marketing company for January 2012 by Each company in the rankings is independently reviewed by in several key areas…

Monday, March 12, 2012

Quote if the day...

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown. -Ross Perot

"Secret Money Tips?" Free Secret Video Reveals $94,890 Copy My $783/Day Money Campaign

Building a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Campaign Using Facebook becomes Easy, Thanks to Mike Bashi’s New Online Tutorial (via redOrbit)

Thousands of aspiring affiliate marketing professionals can now easily build a successful affiliate business using Facebook. Highly acclaimed business trainer Mike Bashi has come up with an excellent online tutorial that takes care of all the specific requirements for a beginner to create and maintain…

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ontario Based Online Marketing Consultant Hogs Limelight With His New Affiliate Marketing Tutorial (via redOrbit)

Acclaimed online marketing coach and consultant Mike Bashi again finds himself as the center of attraction after the release of his new affiliate marketing tutorial. The Ontario based marketing expert is one of the most renowned mentors around and has several business coaching modules to his credit…

Quote of the day....

The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way. -Dale Carnegie

Saturday, March 10, 2012

3 Free Connecting "Secrets" to Massively Duplicate Your NetWork Marketing Business!

  In order for this to work you must get ONE concept clear...CONNECTING is all about OTHERS! You must have this in mind at all times when talking with a potential customer and/or a new prospect. Connecting begins when the other person feels valued. If you can grasp this concept and apply it in your business approach, you will attract people from all over that will want to join your business just because of your ability to connect with just about anybody! You will ultimately become the "go to" person for struggling network marketers or even other leaders in the industry due to this priceless and demanding skill you have been able to master!

Understanding your focus must be on others:

  This concept is often overlooked by the masses of people everywhere in all sorts of different businesses and industries. If you look at customer service in a restaurant or department store, for the most part, the very successful ones have the best personal connections with their customers. This tends to build a credible reputation amongst the consumers and word of mouth then drives traffic to these businesses. Sound familiar?...This principle seems to be the biggest obstacle we face alot of the times in many aspects of our life. If you can find that emotional need and fill it with a solution or cure to their pain with your business, then you are now the most valuable source of help for that particular person.

1) Show That You Care:
  Think of all the personal experiences you've encountered where you knew a person who helped you truly cared about you, and how did that make you feel? Find the mutual concerns, problems and/or experiences you have in common with your target market. This will help you connect by sharing these experiences with your prospects or potential customers and result in building trust in you, your opportunity and your company. This will then lead to great relationships and bring great benefits on so many levels when followed through on both ends.

2) How can you help?
  This is you as the marketer filling your prospects and customers needs with a solution. The key is to focus on the benefits for them, not the features about your product, service or opportunity. Approach it by translating the features into a benefit for that person. If you do it this way, a benefit is always relevant to your audience. Your features may be irrelevant to your audience depending on the situation and what your business offers as a product, service or opportunity. It's important to keep this in mind, especially when in the network marketing industry. So, if your planning on getting anyone's attention, show you can help them with their solution.

3) Can they trust You?
  This word TRUST is what will make or break any business in the mlm or the network marketing industry. Like any type of field or business, you have the one's that have ruined the name for your career field by by gaining trust in people and then committing deceitful acts against them. This challenge comes with the package but can and will be dominated by following these 3 key principles. Trust is the blood of this type of work and you are the heart that keeps this blood pumping. Mlm and Network Marketing has acquired a reputation to keep their audience skeptical and suspicious due to its "sales" reputation given this term by the ignorant personalities that live in the mindset that success will just be handed over to them on a platter, like a beautiful turkey dinner on thanksgiving. Learn to understand your target market, who they really are, what they really want and see it from their point of view. Once you have mastered the art of "connecting", more doors will open, more relationships will be established, and more suceess for people everywhere will be a result from implementing these 3 key connecting principles into your everyday life!

Quote of The day...

True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. -Helen Keller

Friday, March 9, 2012

Your 5 Step CheckList!!

When evaluating any company or job opportunity...There are 5 MAJOR Key Areas to consider before you join their business: 1. The Need: If their is a true demand for what the company provides 2. The Product/Service: The quality of the product or service 3. The Company: Research and make sure the Company has a credible reputation 4. Compensation: Understand the pay structure and advancement options 5. Timing: This is more important than talent, don't pass up an opportunity if you feel the timing is NOW for you and the Company your looking to join is constantly expanding. This breaks down to getting out of your comfort zone, and doing something different in order to achieve a different level of success than your currently at right now in your life!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Network Marketing?...What is it???

The basic idea: Instead of spending tons of money on all sorts of professional agencies and marketing channels to promote products or services, why not pay the people who love them the most to just tell others about them. Quoted by: Robert Kiyosaki

In other words...

  Instead of any business wasting thousands, even "millions" of dollars on all sorts of advertisements...They pay out the big money to the masses of walking, talking, breathing advertisements, also known as "people" or in business terms; "associates". This is only one small key reason why people are joining the industry by the thousands every month! In most cases; a major factor in someone wanting to join the Network Marketing industry is because of "ONE" reason...TIME FREEDOM!!! We all know that time is not guarenteed in this lifetime, well we should know that. The problem is, most of us take life for granite and just go about our days with the casual mindset hoping something like "success" will just be handed to us. I got news for you, it WON'T happen! Unless your like the 1%'ers on this planet that were born into "riches" or successful and eventful lifestyles...So, for the rest of the 99% of our population, what are "we" doing??? Maybe my % analogy is a little off but you know what, I'm trying ok...So bare with me here! Some questions to ask yourself to see if you qualify for entering the Network Marketing Business: Where in your life are you unhappy? Where are you settling in your life? Does your current job pay you how much you know your worth? Do you get the respect and recognition you think you deserve at work? At home? If not...why? What is keeping you loyal to your current job? If it's not the money...then what is it? Ask yourself what aspects of your life are "comfortable" for you? For your family? Have you ever got outside your "comfort zone" and tried something different? If come? Do you really expect to ever know or reach your full potential at anything you do if you never get outside this comfort zone? Parents, have you ever told your kids you couldn't afford something?...If you did that make you feel? If you answered yes to even just ONE of these questions than I have good news for you...YOU QUALIFY!!!

A determined person doesn't find it hard to succeed; they find it hard to stop trying. -Allen Steble

Monday, March 5, 2012

New blog coming SJG65UKE2MUN

Bring Life to Others Lives!!!

I'm writing this article while Im on the bus heading to the restaurant where I've established a 6 week internship at. Im currently a student studying culinary arts in Hawaii far away from my entire family who lives in Arizona. Coming out here was the best decision I ever made. I was able to get out of my own "comfort zone" and finally take action to obtain a better life for myself. The purpose of this blog is to share an unfortunate story that has completely made up my mind to why I never want to work for anybody but myself ever again...The restaurant where my internship is with has a credible name and outstanding menu with high quality service and ingredients. This past week I had witnessed the owner harassing, degrading, threatening, intimidating and finally choke a line cook with customers dining only 10 feet away from the kitchen. Not to mention, the kitchen is open to the dining area. The line cook victim is a hardworking, humble and caring individual just trying to get by and create a better life for himself here in the United States. He moved here from the Micronesian islands many years ago searching for something different. The owner treats this individual like he's the scumb of the earth and will never be anything...Seeing this take place everyday upsets me in so many ways. This only happens because the victim feels this type of work is all he can "get" or all he can be successful at...Until TODAY...My goal is to help this young man see he can be his on boss, work his own hours and answer to nobody but himself! This experience has changed my mindset even more to helping others out there create a better life and gain their freedom by choosing to do something different. I WILL HELP THIS MAN! Im resigning from this internship today...

Quote of the day:

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of. - Jim Rohn

Sunday, March 4, 2012

RemarkAble Title by Robert Kiyosaki

This heading from his book The Business of the 21st Century was in a Magazine that was all about the company Im associated with...Something to think about for anyone unhappy with their life, frustrated at work or at home, struggling with bills, sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck, can't stand your boss or co-workers, feel like a slave to your job, missing out on those precious family moments that truly matter the most....YOU do have OPTIONS! Times have changed...No need special skills or a degree to obtain that "FREEDOM" were all looking for! Self belief and a burning desire for a better life is all it takes! I have a solution for YOU! So STOP PROCRASTINATING and choose to do something different and step outside your "comfort zone" so you can finally feel "FREE" and live a life of significance by helping others bring success to their lives while creating wealth and building a lifetime legacy that this world will never forget! The greatest gift we were born with is the power of choice....So CHOOSE to take ACTION and START the process to YOUR "BRAND NEW" LIFE TODAY!!!


For more info you can visit my other webpage


With our nation still recovering from a recession...Desperate measures have been taken by selfish people stooping to all-time lows and victimizing hard-working citizens by STEALING THEIR IDENTITY!!! This is THE FASTEST GROWING CRIME in our country right now and only getting worse!!!
To whom this may concern:

I'm writing this article to inform anybody wanting to gain knowledge on this "not talked about" subject! By the end of this article you will have learned a few key things that might open some doors in your brain to cause you to finally see the big picture of this horrific issue that is flooding our nation! YOU could be a victim of IDENTITY THEFT right now and not even know it. Some questions to ask yourself...When is the last time you checked your credit reports? From all 3 agencies? If you have medical insurance, when is the last time you've updated your medical records? If you have kids, when is the last time you've checked their credit history?...Yea, I asked you that just now!...Shockingly, because of your child being born and having their identities processed through many data banks out there, they have a high risk of being a victim of this vicious crime! Now your child grows up, goes to school, graduates, moves off to college, and then they go to try and lease an apartment, rent a condo or even purchase a house; and guess what now...They finally find out they have 3 different addresses, 5 credit cards, a mortgage, car loans and credit card debt all adding up to $150,000 dollars!!! Say good-bye to the next 10-15 years of your child's life all because of lack of education about this dream-crushing and life changing (for the worse) issue that could've been prevented if you "as the parent," took pre-caution measures to keep this from happening. This can all be acted on by simply being proactive by deflecting all intrusions on your identity with a legal identity theft service! Here are


1. In 2008 there were 10 MILLION victims of Identity Theft
2. Feb 2010, FTC reported identity theft was the top consumer complaint of
3. Banks are not required by Federal Regulations to offer same consumer protections on debit cards as they are on credit cards
4. Retailers often store your PIN info on the same network that encrypts your PIN (Means: they can access it easiy and create counterfeit debit cards and now withdraw your cash from any ATM
5. Credit cards: Consumers are only liable for up to $50 of fraudulent charges
6. Debit cards: Consumers are liable for full amount of all fraudulent charges (depending on your bank)
7. Medical: 1.4 MILLION Americans have been victimized of medical ID theft and still rising
8. Medical: Average cost per victim was $20,000 dollars

Source: Success From Home Magazine

Quotes I live by...

Thoughts and ideas are the source of all wealth, success, material gain, all great discoveries, inventions and achievements. By : Mark Victor Hansen