Saturday, March 10, 2012

3 Free Connecting "Secrets" to Massively Duplicate Your NetWork Marketing Business!

  In order for this to work you must get ONE concept clear...CONNECTING is all about OTHERS! You must have this in mind at all times when talking with a potential customer and/or a new prospect. Connecting begins when the other person feels valued. If you can grasp this concept and apply it in your business approach, you will attract people from all over that will want to join your business just because of your ability to connect with just about anybody! You will ultimately become the "go to" person for struggling network marketers or even other leaders in the industry due to this priceless and demanding skill you have been able to master!

Understanding your focus must be on others:

  This concept is often overlooked by the masses of people everywhere in all sorts of different businesses and industries. If you look at customer service in a restaurant or department store, for the most part, the very successful ones have the best personal connections with their customers. This tends to build a credible reputation amongst the consumers and word of mouth then drives traffic to these businesses. Sound familiar?...This principle seems to be the biggest obstacle we face alot of the times in many aspects of our life. If you can find that emotional need and fill it with a solution or cure to their pain with your business, then you are now the most valuable source of help for that particular person.

1) Show That You Care:
  Think of all the personal experiences you've encountered where you knew a person who helped you truly cared about you, and how did that make you feel? Find the mutual concerns, problems and/or experiences you have in common with your target market. This will help you connect by sharing these experiences with your prospects or potential customers and result in building trust in you, your opportunity and your company. This will then lead to great relationships and bring great benefits on so many levels when followed through on both ends.

2) How can you help?
  This is you as the marketer filling your prospects and customers needs with a solution. The key is to focus on the benefits for them, not the features about your product, service or opportunity. Approach it by translating the features into a benefit for that person. If you do it this way, a benefit is always relevant to your audience. Your features may be irrelevant to your audience depending on the situation and what your business offers as a product, service or opportunity. It's important to keep this in mind, especially when in the network marketing industry. So, if your planning on getting anyone's attention, show you can help them with their solution.

3) Can they trust You?
  This word TRUST is what will make or break any business in the mlm or the network marketing industry. Like any type of field or business, you have the one's that have ruined the name for your career field by by gaining trust in people and then committing deceitful acts against them. This challenge comes with the package but can and will be dominated by following these 3 key principles. Trust is the blood of this type of work and you are the heart that keeps this blood pumping. Mlm and Network Marketing has acquired a reputation to keep their audience skeptical and suspicious due to its "sales" reputation given this term by the ignorant personalities that live in the mindset that success will just be handed over to them on a platter, like a beautiful turkey dinner on thanksgiving. Learn to understand your target market, who they really are, what they really want and see it from their point of view. Once you have mastered the art of "connecting", more doors will open, more relationships will be established, and more suceess for people everywhere will be a result from implementing these 3 key connecting principles into your everyday life!

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